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Anchored in God's Love 

May 31st-June 3rd

About Summer YFF

We are changing some things up this year for VBS. One of the biggest changes of course is the name. We are now calling VBS, Summer YFF to promote the continuation of the formation happening during the school year. Don't worry though this year will be just as upbeat and fun as past years and we cannot wait to see how it goes!


New Things to Look Forward To

Prayer and Catholicism Station

This year we are switching our science station to a Prayer and Catholicism Station. In this station kids will learn fun ways to pray, some cool things about our faith, and about a new saint each day.


Program Information

Our program this year will be on the last day, June 3rd at noon. The program should be over around 12:30 and there will be lunch to follow.


Sacred Heart Summer YFF

203 E Garfield Ave, Gettysburg, SD 57442

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For more information feel free to contact us.

Phone number: 605-769-4478

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